I came in a little late to all this that BooBoo has
been going through, and I missed
something...obviously.  You got this cat from a
Breeder????  And they did NOT give you your money
back??? (Not that it would have helped Boo, but the
gesture would have been nice)

I hope you fry their (   ).  People like this should
be prosacuted for the sake of the cats and the misery
they put the people through.  I hope you are saving
every single receipt.

So glad Boo is feeling better.  I hope both he and you
have a lovely weekend!


--- Lynne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ah thanks Anita.  We had to rush him in this morning
> a day early because he was breathing through his
> mouth.  Dr. Gill, BooBoo's biggest admirer drew
> another 100 cc from his lungs.  He immediately felt
> better and Dr. Gill handed him over to Bob to take
> home.  As soon as he got home he ate like a little
> horse and now is sleeping.  My husband and I keep
> asking each other if we're sure this is what we want
> to do and we both agree we've made a committment to
> try what's available to us and that's what we're
> going to do.  It will break my heart when our 19
> year old goes but he has lead such a good life and
> still is but poor little BooBoo didn't deserve this
> and it could have easily been prevented by one
> frickin vaccine that a stupid cat breeder neglected
> to do.  I hope the woman who took the 300 bucks from
> us for him uses the money to go out for dinner and
> chokes.  I'm appalled that they know what we're
> going through and didn't at the very least give back
> the money to help us offset his  vet bills.  I'm not
> done with these people.  I'm just too busy with Boo
> at the moment to get really vindictive.
> Lynne
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Stray Cat Alliance 
>   To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
>   Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 10:56 AM
>   Subject: RE: new hope for Boo
>   Lynne, my heart truly goes out to you, your
> husband and Boo. What love and compassion you have -
> that is truly worth its weight in gold. Love is the
> best medicine and you obviously have a lot of that!
> I am praying the treatments help Boo.
>   Best wishes,
>   Anita
>   "Every year shelters kill almost 5,000,000 cats,
> dogs, puppies & kittens.  
>   Most were beautiful, loving creatures (even feral
> cats!) that died simply because they did not have a
> home.  
>   Every puppy or kitten born costs a shelter animal
> its life. 
>   Save lives, spay-neuter, support
> Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) & adopt for life!"
>   Visit
> for information on Spay/Neuter in Mid-Central PA
>   Visit http://www.alleycat.org for information on
> humane control of the feral and stray cat population
>   Visit http://www.cpaa.info for information on
> life-saving programs and organizations in
> Mid-Central PA
>     To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
>     Subject: new hope for Boo
>     Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 17:17:18 -0500
>     Well, after bawling a lot last night and
> conferring with my husband while at work today I
> faxed off another letter to my vet letting him know
> that Bob and I would try any treatment that may
> possibly give BooBoo more time on this earth with us
> and I made a couple suggestions.  To my surprise he
> told me I could pick the interferon up tomorrow at
> the pharmacy I deal with and he would start the
> injections Saturday.  The other vet said it would do
> no good at this stage, but BooBoo's primary
> caregiver is more willing to try to help him, that
> is if we wish to go through with it.  I was so
> desparate today I wondered if he could be transfused
> to give him a better shot at battling this and he
> will be transfused next week.  His vet said they
> have a donor for him that is vaccinated yearly.  I
> didn't actually think there would be a live donor
> and was kind of dismayed to think another cat would
> have to do this for us but the vet assured me with
> cats their blood store is totally back to normal in
> a short time.  I even had a pharmacy tech offer her
> Himalayan as a donor.  I truly do not know if this
> will do any good whatsoever but what is there left
> to do.  If new blood and interferon can't help him,
> I honestly believe we can do nothing more.  I asked
> about other drugs too but the vet said he was really
> happy and thankful we're willing to go this far for
> him.  He has 3 cats of his own and does love cats. 
> He told us most positive cats or cats with FIP
> aren't given these chances so this is a first for
> him.  I know he will do everything he can to help
> BooBoo.  He really loves him too..If we can just
> give him a fighting chance here I'll try this
> Transfer Factor stuff that came in the mail today.  
>     Lynne
>   Need to know the score, the latest news, or you
> need your HotmailĀ®-get your "fix". Check it out. 

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