
Snowball is beautiful!  And I could see the smile on your face as you wrote 
about all her funny quirks and playfulness that you're learning about.  What a 
wonderful time this is for you and her.  And such a reward for all that you 
went through with Boo Boo, from the loving and tenacious care to the pain in 
letting him go.  I think Boo Boo is enjoying himself immensely, watching the 
both of you from the Rainbow Bridge.  He's probably whispering into Snowball's 
ears funny little things to do to make you laugh.  


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!"     ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

----- Original Message ----
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2008 11:14:59 AM
Subject: Re: ournewbaby

Oh thank you Wendy for your kind words.  What a difference a day can make 
though.  This little dickens kept us up all night.  She would take turns on 
each side of the bed, blatting.  We'd say, come up Snowy, she would, purr like 
a freight train, cuddle up and sleep for 20 minutes, jump down and start the 
whole routine again.  This morning she was racing around the house like a 
lunatic, playing hide and seek.  She was kind of naughty yesterday, stalking 
Lennie, ate his food, layed in his litter box.  Did nothing in his litter box, 
just lay in it.  So we changed Lennies food.  This morning she ate her own 
stuff and is using her own litterbox and I think she understands that Lennie 
wants nothing to do with her.  She'll still walk by him and hiss just to bug 
him.  He doesn't care.  She reminds me a bit of BooBoo, very gentle and loving 
but she has a more playful streak in her.  Of course poor Boo was in no 
condition to be playful.  She certainly has helped
 ease the pain of losing him, probably because she is pretty high maintenance.  
We need to comb her at least once a day and clean her eyes twice a day because 
they do tear a lot.  I swear she would be show material if those eyes weren't 
so much work.  I'm not going to do anything extreme with them, just bathe them 
with warm water a couple times a day so they don't get crusty.  Yep we love her 
and you know, if dear Boo hadn't been with us I probably would never have been 
made so aware of all the devastating illnesses and terrible conditions so many 
of these cats live with.  A real eye opener.  
----- Original Message ----- 
From: wendy 
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2008 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: ournewbaby

Bless you for taking in this kitty.  It brought tears to my eyes to read your 
post, because I know how very lucky she is to have the new family she's just 
inherited.  She probably doesn't know it yet, but it won't take her long.  What 
a wonderful thing that Boo Boo is part of the reason that this beautiful cat 
now has a forever home.  Please keep us posted on how she does.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!"     ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~ 

----- Original Message ----
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 11:14:25 AM
Subject: ournewbaby

We met the foster mom of the cat we adopted at the vets this morning and now 
have our new little girl home.  She was a rescued cat from this horrible shop 
owner in town.  I was expecting to meet a kind of pathetic looking little kitty 
but to our surprise, she's a 9 pound gorgeous white persian with amber colored 
eyes.  She's absolutely beautiful but for the moment prefers to be upstairs on 
her own.  We're not forcing ourselves on her but the foster mom s ays she is 
very affectionate and loves attention.  She inspected every inch of the house 
and will come down when she wants to.  We are just so happy to finally have her 
here.  She has never had a real home, just a pet store and the foster mom.  

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