Dearest Heather and Jann,
  I was saddened to read that Hobbs has crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  The two of 
you gave him a wonderful year he wouldn't otherwise have had.  We love them, 
care for them, and in the end let them go.  
  You asked how long FeLV+ kittens live.  Each day of life with someone who 
loves them is a blessing.  Rocket and Sissy, my 2 FeLV+ rescues, are now 6 
months old.  Rocket just came thru her spaying with flying colors.  Sissy has 
consistently had swollen lymph glands and signs of URI which we treat with an 
a/b.  They both tested positive from day one.  I don't know how long they will 
have but like you and Jann I love them.  I joined this group to learn all I can 
on effective treatments for them.
  Hugs to your Sissy,
  You all are in our thoughts and prayers
  Sharyl and crew

Heather Wienker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    I am very sad to let everyone know that Hobbs passed away Sunday afternoon 
at 12:48 p.m.
  His caregiver, Jann, woke up Saturday and dashed around to replenish 
supplies....but when she got home he was clearly declining.   She felt he was 
suffering and made the decision on Sunday to cease force feedings as he was 
obviously in pain.   She did keep his mouth moist and tried to keep him warm, 
mostly just allowing him to do whatever he wanted or could.   She took a 
sleeping bag in her spare room & slept with him Saturday night, and spent 
Sunday morning in her yard with him in the sun, petting and consoling him.
  We had been trying to find a vet to come to her home, but he ended up passing 
on his own...which we are grateful for, though she fears she allowed him to 
suffer.   I think had we not tried the treatments of this last week, we would 
be wondering if he might have had more time.
  Please add Hobbs to the Candle Light Service, and keep Jann and his sister 
Sissy in your prayers, they were "two little peas in a pod", as Jann would say. 
 Hobbs was a year old.   I am very thankful to Jann for giving Hobbs & Sissy 
the chance to live the life of love that all kitties deserve, regardless of 
what is in their blood.   We found them when, after 20 years in the same 
building on a busy university campus, I moved to a new office on the other side 
of campus.   I was very nervous about this decision and kept telling everyone I 
wished that I'd get a "sign from God".   Upon moving, I had 2 injured feral 
cats colonies in the first two weeks, and also was approached by a new coworker 
regarding an injured cat, who was Hobbs' and Sissy's Mom.   She had an eye & 
ear injury and my heart immediately told me I had to help her; we did not know 
she was a nursing Mom.   I had been told she was declawed, and that they'd 
caught her 6 months prior along with a kitten of hers
 (negative), she also was not injured then.   Why she was put back out 
unspayed, I will never know unless it was because they thought she might have 
more kittens.   When I trapped her, she was not declawed but was positive for 
FELV, FIV, and a nursing Mom.   I really feel that Mama, Sissy, Hobbs, Mickey & 
Sebastian were that sign from God I'd sought, as they would either still be out 
there reproducing and likely ill, or would have been put down due to testing 
positive for Leukemia had someone else trapped them.
  I set out to find/trap the kittens and found out that 2 ladies had already 
found 2 of them, I had to give them the news of the Mom' testing status.  Both 
of their kittens were weak double+, but did clear the FIV.   Initially Sissy 
and Hobbs were only FIV+, but they retested positive for Leukemia a month 
later, confirmed by retesting twice.
  I was so upset by all that this Mom kitty had been through, and knowing that 
much of it--including this litter of kittens with leukemia, could have been 
prevented had she been spayed...there was no way I could not give them their 
chance.   However, being in a small condo with 10 cats, I didn't even have room 
for another negative cat.   It is Hobbs' caretaker, Jann, who gave Hobbs and 
Sissy the chance for life and love that they deserved, and I know they could 
not have had a more loving home.   I am very grateful for Jann, and know she is 
hurting badly right now.
  I want to thank everyone for their kindness, support, advice and prayers.   
Hobbs was a very special boy, when I first took them to Jann's as kittens she 
said she felt an instant connection, she has always told me this.   His illness 
and loss has been very hard for her and she has been very appreciative of the 
support.   Thank you all for giving these special kitties love for the time 
that they have here, it means everything in the world for them.
  In Loving Memory of Hobbs,

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