Sue, I have no idea if it will help or not but I just ordered a tub of Mega C 
Plus for my 2 FeLV+ kittens.  They have also tested positive twice.  I'll check 
again after a few months on the stuff.  I also have them on Lactoferrin and 
DMG.  They are healthy now.  According to my vet it is rare for them to become 
negative on their own if positive after 6 months of age.  But this vet is not 
very proactive in treatments.  
  Sharyl Sissy and Rocket

Sue Koren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hello everyone...
Buzz finally had his test yesterday and it was positive again. My vet tells me 
it is very rare for a cat to become negative after the second test after three 
months has come back positive. Is that what everyones experience has been? 
The vet also said he seems to be very healthy, so we will count our blessings. 
I tried to put this vets name on the vet list that MaryChristine gave a link to 
recently but the site will not let me do anything. This vet has been very 
supportive and is willing to learn more about FeLV+ options.
Thank you to everybody here for all the help and advise you put on this list. I 
am pretty new and not very knowledgeable so I don't participate that much, but 
I read everything and it helps a lot. 

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