
My thought is as long as the owners can give him basic care, good nutrition,
and keep him inside then that is all I would do for him. One never knows how
long they will have their beloved pet. All we can do is love them. I
sometimes think my own stress was not good for Junior. If his owners are not
worrying about every little thing he may do well. If he needs abx and yall
can help with tha, I think that would be a good thing.

Best of luck for this kitty and your new venture.


On 6/22/08, Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> The off-topic part:  We are trying to think of "catchy" names for our new
> service where we take the pets of low-income people for basic vet care (I.e.
> spay/neuter, rabies shot, etc).
> The on topic part of this:  as some of you read, one of the kitties we had
> neutered through this program turned out double pos.  So my question is:
> How far should we really go with this cat?  He has a home, the owners cannot
> afford special care for him, I'm not sure it makes any difference if he is
> really + or not.  We got the other cat in the household vaccinated and
> boostered.  The problem is that the more we do for any individual cat, the
> less we can do for other cats.
> As a nonprofit we can get a discount on SNAP tests, but not (that I know
> of) IFA tests.
> I wish we could do everything for every cat, but clearly we can't do
> that...
> --
> Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.
> Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!
> Check out our Memsaic!
> Please help with some of our kitties medical needs!
> "Rather than helping, it's easier to point fingers and say "take them first
> as long as you leave me alone".
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