Kim, I have been out of town and am trying to get caught up with posts.  First 
let me say how great it is you have had 6 1/2 yrs with Cole.  My positive girls 
are just 9 months old so that gives me hope.
There is a assist feeding group that has some great info.
No matter what the primary problem is Cole needs food.  Assist feeding can be 
as simple as taking the plate of food to him, offering him the food on a spoon 
or syringe feeding.  Unfortunately the less a cat eats the less desire they 
have to eat.  Often just assist feeding for a few days primes the pump so to 
speak and a kitty will start eating again.
Sending good thoughts your way.
Sharyl Sissy and Rocket

--- On Tue, 8/12/08, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2008 08:45:54 -0500>
[Felvtalk] my Cole, help!> > > I am afraid I am on the verge of losing
loved and adored kitty, Cole. I have had him for 6 1/2 years and we have had
our ups and downs with some illnesses but nothing a little TLC and medicine
couldn't handle. I got Cole when he was 5 months old from the Humane
and about a week after adopting him I found out he was feline leukemia
positive. The Humane Society said they would take him back and give me a
"new" kitty. By that point my heart was completely in love with him
there was no turning back, I had to meet this challenge with strength and do
all I had to take care of him. Up until this point I knew that he would make
it through all of the colds, pneumonia's, gastro-intestinal issues, but now
I am not sure anymore. He is not acting like he would normally when he is sneezing, coughing, breathing difficulties, or diarrhea. He just
lays around all the time, doesnt seem to be eating much or drinking much.
Wet food doesnt even make him happy! I have noticed that he is losing weight
as well. I have an appointment with the vet today to get him checked out but
I am scared that this will just be the beginning of the end. I am unsure of
how far to let him go. I don't know if I should keep treating everything or
if I should give up? The last thing I would ever want to do is prolong his
life and make him suffer more just so I could have more time with him. Does
anyone have any words of advice? I am new to this posting and I am afraid of
losing one of the most important things in my life and I am not sure how to
even go about dealing with any of it! Kim>
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