Not being able to take him to the vet makes it tough.  Canned pumpkin (not pie 
filling) has helped many kitties.  So has slippery elm bark which can be found 
in most health food stores or on line.  Also giving a probiotic could help.  
Since Kiwi won't eat canned food it might be hard to give him the pumpkin.  
Diarrhea can lead to dehydration which will cause another laundry list of 
problems.   Food allergies and IBD both cause these symptoms.  A cat can 
develop a food allergy even if they have been eating a food for a period of 
The eyes are another issue.  He may need terramycin salve to clear up the eye.  
Supplementing with L-Lysine couldn't hurt.   

--- On Sat, 8/23/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Kiwi our felv one year old cat
Date: Saturday, August 23, 2008, 9:44 PM

My son found kiwi beside his dead sibling in the woods.  Kiwi was actually very
healthy.  We cleaned him up and gave him kitten formula.  The next day we took
him to our local vet who thought he was between 
2  1/2 to 3 weeks old.  He would not suck on the kitten nipple bottle so we
feed him through a dropper.  He acted as though we could not feed him fast
enough.  He loved his kitten formula.  We did everything for him a mom cat would
do.  He thrived.  When he was about 3 months old one of my daughters took the
kitten to the vet because she was also taking her cat.  Everything looked good
until they did the fel Luk test.  It came take positive.  We were all shocked.  
The vet asked us what we wanted to do.  Like do we want them to put him to
sleep.  I couldn't believe it.  This active happy go lucky kitten.  I
couldn't imagine doing something like that.   We were worried about the
other cat, who had been immunized against it.  He came back negative.  Well,
this was last summer.  Now he is a year old and has been fixed and tested
positive again.  We think he might have gotten it from his farel mother's
milk.  All this time we were trying to place him in a foster home, because we
had two dogs and another cat.  There has not been any openings, I think possibly
because he is felv positive.  Right now he has diarrhea and some guk in his
eyes.  But he does act fine.  I do feed him dry food because he throws up wet
food.  He needs to see a vet, but I don't have the money.  I know with dogs
if they get an upset stomack and have diarrhea, chicken breast is good.  I am
wondering if chicken breast might be helpful for cats also.  I am also exploring
to see if I can sign him up with Bandfield at Petsmart.  I would get the top
plan which is about $30.00.  I figure it's better then nothing.  I think
most lab work is included.  And I also think they he will need plenty of blood
test to check his blood count.  Any advise is very welcomed.  Thanks!  P.S. 
wish I could send pictures of him!

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