Oh poor baby girl... So happy she had a few loving people to look after her. 
Hugs to all of you.

"We who choose to surround ourselves with lives more temporary
than our own,
Live within a fragile circle,easily and often breached.
Unable to accept its awful gaps.
We still would have it no other way"

--- On Mon, 1/12/09, Sally Davis <putty...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Sally Davis <putty...@gmail.com>
Subject: [Felvtalk] Baby Girl please add CLS
To: "FeLV Talk" <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Date: Monday, January 12, 2009, 6:56 PM

Please add sweet Baby Girl to the CLS if possible she was not positive but
had 7 good years as a Feral cat next to where I work.

Here is what happened:

Yesterday I noticed the cat at work (a TNR feral) named Baby Girl was not
feeling good. She has had a URI on and off, but never seemed affected by
her. This time she was not eating and even allowed me to touch her. Normally
she would have swatted me. We discussed taking her to the ER but we did not
have a way to catch her or anything to put her in and it was closing. Today
before I even got to work Pat, who is really Baby Girls momma with the help
of another girl caught her. She had not eaten any food left for her
yesterday. So Angel first went to a vet that is one street over from us.
They could not see her gave names of other vets. I already decided to call
my vet who is also close. She could not be seen until 3:30 first . She was
in distress and I had noticed she was cold to the touch although she was
kept by a heater all day.

I drive her to Junior's vet. Since she is feral I also notified the guy,
Phil who looks after her colony. She is only one of 3 or 4 cats that hang
out next to us. He said they would probably test her for FELV in fact he
wanted her tested. They vet had a hard time getting blood she was so wek she
did not fight. Her temp was 94. The vet though she would test positive but
she was negative for FELV and FIV. She had pnuemonia and was now coughing
blood and she was shutting down. The vet was sure she was dying
and euthanized her. Of course it was  a heart stick and I decided I did not
need to watch. It was over before I even was out of the room. The test came
back after she was pts. I called Phil to let him know. He will adopt out any
who are adoptable and has kept many cats himself.

Anyway I will miss Baby Girl. She was just getting freindly after 6 years
and would rub up against all that she used to run away from. The vet was
so kind she is going to bury her in her yard . She is now an Angel.

Sally, Eric (not a cat),Junior(angel), Tiny(angel) Fluffy(soul mate angel),
Speedy, Grey and White, Ittle Bitty, Little Black, Lily, Daisy, Pewter,
Junior Junior (newest) I call him JJ , Silver, and  Spike  Please Visit my
Message board for some pictures. You are welcome to sign up.

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