I'm so sorry for your loss--it is so very hard.  But Ben hasn't really left
you--you may not see him or touch him but you will always feel him in your
heart.  That is the legacy they leave us...   


-----Original Message-----
From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
[mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of April Martella
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 5:07 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: [Felvtalk] Benny

I am sad to say that my baby Ben has gone home to be with the Lord at 2:53
a.m. on January 14, 2009. My heart is broken and I can't imagine this
horrible pain ever subsiding. Thank you all for your help. Please add him to
the CLS. This is a ruthless unfair disease and a horrible way for our babies
to have to go. How do you deal with the extreme grief and sadness knowing
you will never see or touch them again? I am so not good with things like

-----Original Message-----
From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
[mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 1:00 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 7, Issue 12

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Benny and Hemobartinella (jb...@tds.net)
   2. Re: My cat Poufy (Belinda Sauro)
   3. 2 FELV+ cats for adoption Angel and Gracia (KAREN MEIERDIERCKS)
   4. Important Information About Rescue Remedy (Belinda Sauro)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 14:58:59 -0600
From: <jb...@tds.net>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Benny and Hemobartinella
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Cc: Belinda Sauro <ma...@bemikitties.com>
Message-ID: <20090114145859.345ku.70577.r...@webfep16>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Hey with respect to Benny,

In the cats in this situation that I have seen, a blood transfusion can
really help.  If their hematocrit is really low (<15) this can be very
helpful.  In fact if the donor is a cat that has been given the felv
vaccine, it may help convey passive immunity against the virus in the

Also, interferon can have some absolutely horrendous side effects including
nausea and simply feeling lousy.  In fact, in people, some patients cannot
even finish the course because of the side effects.  Generally, however,
they are worse in the beginning and improve with time. 

I would look at a blood smear to make sure there is no agglutination of the
RBCs, although it sounds like they have tested for hemobartonella - I would
still do a smear.  Since, however, his WBCs, platlets and RBCs are all low,
it would suggest a primary bone marrow deficiency rather than something
attacking only the RBCs (as hemobartonella would do).  Is there any
indication of regenerating RBCs in the blood work.  This should be reported
on a blood smear.  They are called reticulocytes.  If there are, that is
hopeful.  It suggests that the bone marrow is attempting to replace the lost

I have never heard of doxy causing this problem so I can't add anything
there, sorry.  If, however, it does appear that Benny has hemobartonella,
there are other abx. in that class of drugs that could be tried.  Or perhaps
there is an injectable form - that I do not know.

It sounds like Benny you are doing a wonderful bit of nursing over there.
Have you tried baby food - make sure no onions are in it (worsens anemia)?
Does he have any interest in food at all?  Have you tried offering dry food
or cat treats?  

Good luck!!

---- Belinda Sauro <ma...@bemikitties.com> wrote: 
> Hi, this was sent to the list but didn't make it, I am forwarding it, 
please respond to April directly at *  aprilpres...@verizon.net*

Hi. I am responding to a post by Wendy on 1/10/09 titled ?Benny??sorry, 
I am not sure how to respond other than emailing?. Benny is doing the 
same. Very anemic. He is still pretty lethargic and weak and won?t eat 
much on his own. He did, however, gain 1 pound since I started assist 
feeding him a/d prescription food. But I would give anything to get him 
eating on his own again. Wendy asked if my vet put him on a 3 week round 
of doxycycline for possible hemo, and no, he did not. Benny?s hemo tests 
came back negative when we got him bloodwork done about a month ago. And 
then on Christmas eve, we got him more bloodwork that showed his RBC 
really low, (also his WBC and his platelet count was super low) but the 
vet didn?t mention hemo then either. I asked the vet today if doxy would 
be an option for Benny and he said he would be scared to give it to him 
because of the side effects....he mentioned doxy can create throat 
ulcers that if they burst could cause the cat to aspirate on their 
food???? Has anyone ever heard of this? I am so confused as to what 
treatment roads to take with Benny. So far, this is what he has gotten 
since he got sick?.(this is all over a 6 week period)

6 weeks of Immunoregulan injections

1 week of interferon (we added this just this past week)

1 week of Clavamox antibiotic (We also added this just this past week as 

Probiotics twice daily

Omega 3?s twice daily

Hi Vites twice daily

1 week of Nutri-Cal (a high calorie supplement) added to his food

2 weeks of Transfer Factor Plus

1 Injection of Cortisone (Trying to stimulate appetite)

1 Injection of B-12 (Just today for anemia and appetite)

Sub Q?s last weekend

1 can of a/d food syringed to him every 24 hours

I am scared of putting one more new thing into his system, but don?t 
want to pass up on the chance to give him something (doxy) that might 
really get him better. I believe it is severe anemia that we are 
battling. We can?t afford Epogen shots and the vets say a blood 
transfusion wouldn?t even be worth it because of it being so temporary. 
Some days I think Benny is doing better and looking stronger, and some 
days I think ?how can he possibly go on being this weak. He still gets 
up and walks around and goes up and down the steps to his litter box, 
but aside from that he pretty much hides out behind the couch and stays 
in one spot all day long. L He has been my best friend for 13 years and 
I am not about to give up on him without doing everything I can.  And I 
can?t figure out if he is not eating on his own because he just won?t 
eat or if I am stuffing his face with a syringe all day long and he is 
too full to eat. But unfortunately, my gut tells me it is not the latter.

What should I do????? 


happiness is being owned by cats ...



Felvtalk mailing list


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 13:26:34 -0800
From: Belinda Sauro <ma...@bemikitties.com>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] My cat Poufy
To: tai...@yahoo.com, felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Message-ID: <496e588a.5070...@bemikitties.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

I'm not sure if Peter is a list member or not, I got this as a bounce I
believe so please respond to him at his email address, if you are a member
Peter great, if not you can *join here*

Peter's email:  tai...@yahoo.com

Peter's message:
My cat, Poufy, a blue cymric, has been diagnosed with felv. I am devastated.
But of the things I have found your site gives me the most hope. She is very
weak, not eating or drinking, and I am having to syringe-feed and water her.
My vet is not sanguine about the various treatments you list, and I wondered
if you have any other vets in northern California besides UC Davis? I am in
chico, and can get to Davis, (90 miles), but closer would be better. I do
not want her to suffer needlessly. I am far too much in love with her for
that. But if you can offer me any hope I will go to the wall for her. I
raised her from a baby, and I love her as I love my own children. If I must
I will give her an easy, warm, dignified ending. But I would much prefer to
giver her some good, warm, happy days first.

Peter and Poufy


happiness is being owned by cats ...




Message: 3
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 22:33:53 -0500
From: "KAREN MEIERDIERCKS" <kmeierdier...@msn.com>
Subject: [Felvtalk] 2 FELV+ cats for adoption Angel and Gracia
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Message-ID: <col109-ds223e4de09469c0a773ddafb9...@phx.gbl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

I have 2 FELV+ cats needing immediate homes. They can be adopted separately.
I am in New York City. A donation to cover expenses would be offered. Angel
is a neutered Japanese Bobtail. Gracia is a one year old Russian Blue/white
spayed female.  They are friendly and healthy. Tested positive on SNAP only,
need retesting to see if virus was transient. In meantime, cannot keep due
to risk to negative cats.

Karen M


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 08:24:49 -0800
From: Belinda Sauro <ma...@bemikitties.com>
Subject: [Felvtalk] Important Information About Rescue Remedy
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Message-ID: <496e11d1.70...@bemikitties.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

    I know a lot of us use Rescue Remedy so please read this for your 
pets safety:

*Rescue Remedy, a product most are familiar with for its calming 
purposes, has a new product on the marlet called  _"_*_*Rescue 
*_*_Pastille"_ .  Be careful, _this contains xylitol, a known toxin to 
pets_, and is intended for human use only!
The spray, dropper, and Original Flower Remedies do not contain xylitol, and
are still safe, Rescue Remedy encourages its pet formulation for pet use.*

PDF article about it below:


happiness is being owned by cats ...


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