
Most vets us an in house test for felv/fiv - the snap test. The felv/fiv snap 
test is generally a pretty good test.  (By the way, it does not utilize PCR, 
instead it is an ELISA test).  It is certainly possible, however, to get a 
false positive result.  

In general, you can repeat the test (usually in approximately four to six 
weeks).  I would recommend this.  If it is again positive, you can send the 
blood out to a lab to have an IFA - immunoflouresence assay - done.  If this is 
also positive it is highly likely it is a true positive.  As for the use of 
PCR, I do not think that is currently used for felv detection.  It is possible 
that I am simply not familiar with its use in that way.

I have to suggest to you, that it is a somewhat strange history for feline 
leukemia.  I am not certain I fully understand the current problems she is 
having but I would remain suspect about the accuracy of the test at this point. 
 My greatest recommendation is to repeat the test.

Good luck,


---- "" <> wrote: 
> Hello,
> I have a cat who is 9 years old (born apr 2000) and she has 
> always been in good health condition and never been to the veterinary 
> (except for her vaccines, yearly).
> She lived the first two years in an 
> apartment with no contacts with other cats, then we changed home and 
> she got the vaccine for leukemia prior to go out and meet other cats.
> She is a very strange cat and does not like to meet other cats or 
> animals: she is afraid of contact. She is also spayed.
> This january, 
> she began to have problems: her tongue was strange and her nose also. 
> She doesn't have fever or other symptoms, but her hair is always dirty 
> because she doesn't wash it.
> My vet gave her amoxicillin for 3 weeks, 
> but nothing changed. We finally decided to test her blood and the 
> results are ok, BUT she is FELV+ (FIV-).
> I cannot understand HOW this 
> could happen, because every year she gets her vaccine and she does not 
> interact with other cats! Now, she has also dermatitis.
> I'd like to 
> know if this PCR test is absolutely reliable or not.
> Besides, isn't it 
> strange that my cat developed the illness at the age of 9?
> Could it be 
> that she is now in the viremic phase and could recover in the future 
> and the virus remain latent?
> I hope you understand. Unfortunately I'm 
> not English mother tongue and it's difficult to explain everything 
> well.
> Thanks,
> Stefania
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