Call their office and tell them you want the NAME of the medication and the 
dosage strength,....they CAN'T not tell you!  It's your animal, and your 
money-this is your right.Debbie (COL)"The time is always right to do what is 
right" -  Martin Luther King> Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2009 10:26:18 -0500> From:> To:> Subject: [Felvtalk] 
Elevated liver enzymes> > Orlando, my 10 year old FeLV+ began urinating on the 
bathroom rug just over a week ago. I figured out who was doing it on Saturday 
and got him in to the vet on Monday. They tested his urine and blood and the 
vet called me today with the results. She said his liver enzymes are elevated 
and his white cell levels are high. She is going to put him on an antibiotic 
and re-do the tests in two weeks. (When I asked the name of the anti-biotic she 
side stepped the question and just said is is a pill wrapped in foil. I am 
currently looking for another vet because there is only one vet in this 
practice that I fully trust and it is very hard to get to see him.) > Anyway, 
can anyone tell me what would make his liver enzymes elevated? The advise I 
have gotten on this list has proved to be better then the advise from this 
particular vet in the past, so I would very much appreciate any input.> > 
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