My Macy is only 10 1/2 mos. and I took her to the vet yesterday because she had 
become lethargic and wasn't playing. My son is one of the vet techs so they 
know us and have been with Macy since we got her at 10 wks old. She was a feral 
cat in the neighborhood. We even tried catnip on her favorite toy, Mr. Lion. 
After an exam, urinalysis and blood work, the vet came in and just stood there, 
too upset to talk. Macy's blood count is so bad they don't know how she's even 
walking, although she still jumps up on furniture but not with much energy. 
They said she only has a few days.

I've read about assisted feeding but don't recall anyone saying what they're 
feeding the cat. She is still eating a very small amount but if more is going 
to help her, we're willing to try anything. I'd appreciate any advice or 

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