Can you give him snacks in between feeding...perhaps when you are having alone time with him? Id suggest tidbits like crockpot chicken (a favorite of Copper and Thomas) or perhaps some hamburger. They have to have animal fat.
On Apr 7, 2009, at 9:12 AM, Amy Ackerman wrote:

It's been a bit more than a month since Grrr was diagnosed, and I'm happy to report that he is acting like his old self- his energy level is impressive, he's not displaying any neuro issues, and is getting around MUCH better. We've been giving him DMG liquid on his food- don't know if it's helping, but it sure isn't hurting! My biggest concern right now is his weight- I think he's actually lost a bit more, and he is borderline emaciated at this point. He doesn't need to be fat, but I've got to get some meat back on him. We've been feeding all three wellness dry daily, with canned on top about 3x a week. Would switching to canned exclusively put weight on him? How about switching to core dry? I'm not sure how to get weight on him without pumping up my other two like stay-puft marshmallow kitties- they're already a bit on the rotund side, and we don't really have a way to separate them for feeding. They tend to leave each other's bowls alone so long as everyone gets basically the same thing. Any ideas? Amy
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