Dear Sandra,


My Kitty (his name) has FELV, we got him when he was 7 months from students. He 
was diagnosed with Felv when he was not quite two, he is now 8 1/2 and the felv 
has been kept at bay with the Prednisone.  I also worried about my other cat 
Simba being exposed to him, because they would played and sleep together and 
this was long before we knew Kitty had the Felv.  It has been 6 1/2 years now 
and Simba has been tested and no sign of Felv. Both have always been indoor 









> Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2009 21:37:43 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Felvtalk] kitten with FeLV
> Hi there,
> I'm new to this... looking for some advice. I took in a stray, she's
> about 7 months old. She tested positive for FeLV. I didn't know she
> had FeLV. I took her in as she was hanging out on the patio of a
> restaurant, near a busy street. The owners of the restaurant were
> going to take her to the humane society.
> I already have a cat, who is not FeLV positive. The stray is with me
> while I try to re-home her, and my cat is with a friend.
> In an ideal world, I would like to keep the stray (Penny) and have her
> and my cat.
> Is this possible? Should I have Penny re-tested with a DNA test to
> make sure she does have FeLV?
> My cat (Stella) is an indoor cat, 7 years old. and has had all of her
> shots every year except for the last year.
> Is there any way they can live together with Penny being FeLV positive?
> any insight or links to relevant websites/postings would be greatly 
> appreciated!
> thank you.
> s.
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