Six years ago I rescued a mommy, 2 teen cats and 3 kittens from outside. The
mom was about two (declawed but not spayed...grr) and the teens were less
than a year old. The foster mom kept the two teenagers. Several years later
she called to tell me one of the two she kept had tested positive for FeLV.
The other was negative. I know where the mom and kittens all went. They all
were and are still fine. The foster mom had six other cats in her
house...they are all fine.

Bottom line. I don't think we can ever be 100% sure that a cat won't test
positive at some point. My Squeaky's FeLV was suspected of being harbored in
his bone marrow. Thus, he was never sick even though he tested positive as a
teenager ( he was appr 12 yo). 

A friend has a sanctuary. One of their cats lived with the FeLV+ cats for 6
or 7 years. They thought he was positive. Since he never got sick they
tested (or retested) him. He was negative! and never got FeLV despite living
in one room with several feLv+ cats for all that time. He only recently died
of VERY old age.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of mary (merlin)
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 11:42 AM
Subject: [Felvtalk] new with questions


I've just subscribed.  My friend and I picked up a stray calico and planned
to get her spayed and adopted out.  We named her Patches.  Patches was
spayed last Thursday and tested for FIV/FeLV.  She tested negative.  We had
her vaccinated with the basics, including FeLV.  Thursday night after her
spay, she went to my friend's house to recover.  Patches was kept in a
separate bed room with her own food and water dishes that hadn't been used
by the house cats, her own litter box with fresh litter, and not allowed
contact with the house cats.  I'm not sure how good my friend was about
washing her hands between Patches and her cats.

Monday afternoon, my friend found out that her cat Kitty who had been
throwing up for a few weeks and now with depressed appetite, tested positive
for leukemia.  This was the SNAP test.  I came and picked up Patches and
took her to my house, where she is caged in my basement, separate from my
cats.  Patches was at my friend's house for 5 days.

Do I have to worry that Patches might have caught leukemia from the carpet,
bedding and cat bed in those 5 days?  The room had been used as a foster
room but in between was open so that Kitty could go in there if he wanted.
He also sometimes slept in the cat bed.  Should I continue to keep her
separate from my cats and for how long?  Do I need to retest her at some
point and when?

My own cats have been vaccinated annually against leukemia, except for Rusty
who has not been vaccinated in about 5 years.  Rusty was sick for 2 days
after her first leukemia vaccination since I have had her.  She may or may
not have been vaccinated at the shelter where I got her, so she has had at
most 2 vaccinations, and maybe only one.

As for my friend, she has 4 cats, 2 kittens, and a foster kitten.  She has
had Kitty for a year and a half to 2 years, and he probably was infected
before she got him.  She never had any of her cats tested, I doubt
vaccinated, and all of them have mixed freely.  One older cat was tested
last spring when he was brought into the house and was positive for FIV
only.  What are the chances the others are infected now?  Does it make a
difference if it is a kitten or adult?

This is heartbreaking news to both of us, and neither of us know that much
about feline leukemia except that it is very contagious and bad.



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