
Nothing really funny looking about Luigi's eye.  It's almost kind of cool 
looking.  He just has a ring around about 1/2 of his eye.  It's down one side 
and down the other side and just looks like a coppery tone.  My vet didn't 
recall noticing it before and called a specialist just to see if she should 
refer me.  He started talking about how it could be all these horrible things 
and how we could remove the eye, etc.  This cat has been with me for several 
years with no illness or odd behavior of any type so I'm definitely not 
considering anything like that.  What if it's nothing?  He runs around like a 
wild man and is certainly not in any discomfort that I can see.  So anyway, I'm 
kind of worried, yet hopeful that it might be nothing.  You would never think 
anything was strange about his eye looking at him but we all just wonder why 
this color would appear out of nowhere.

I did get the toxo results back and they are negative.  I was also kind of 
hoping it would be positive but I guess anything these cats don't have is a 

Please let me know how things go with Bernie and how you choose to proceed.  
I've lost several positives over the years and I think I might go back and look 
at the bloodwork for the couple I lost to lymphoma just to see if it was odd or 

Keep us posted!

> Amy -
> Thanks for the kind words.  I re-read your post about
> your kitty and and the
> gold colored ring around his eye.  When you look at
> his eye in light, does
> it look funny like how animals eyes sometimes show up in
> pictures taken with
> a flash?  That's how we first noticed Bernie's eye
> issue.  He was looking at
> me and one eye was reflecting really funny while the other
> was not.  He
> doesn't have a gold colored ring... but there looks like
> there is a mass up
> in the corner of the eye.  The iris is swollen as
> well. His eye also had
> a cloudy film all over the eye, but the steroid eye drops
> cleared that up.
> We also tested Bernie for toxo.. it came back negative...
> and we ran a
> mycoplasma test as well.. also negative.  Did you get
> your kitty's toxo test
> back yet?  I was almost hoping it was toxo... there is
> at least an
> antibiotic for that.
> I learned this morning from the vet that cat's with
> lymphoma sometimes have
> normal blood work.  I never knew that. I assumed that
> the white blood cells
> would go up.  She said depending on the type of
> lymphoma, the white blood
> cells may drop, stay the same, or rise.
> Please keep me up to date on your kitty!  I hope he is
> ok and doing better
> soon.
> Maria
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