Whimsy - (the outdoor, "used to be feral" FeLV little boy who had a scary 
jerking/twitching episode a few weeks back you might recall) - had his check up 
and everything was normal.  His bloodwork and stool came back normal too.  His 
skin has been his only issue - he was bald on the left side, then the right, 
now it's down to his tail.  This is the 8th week of this, and I had figured it 
was ringworm.  He has no fleas nor mites, and the clinic didn't think it was 
ringworm, but of course tested him (it's ongoing, for those who aren't familiar 
- they put it in a jar, and see if it grows) It may have been self limiting and 
somehow he cleared it.  Or, it could be severe allergies. He is a long hair (so 
hard to be an outside baby with long fur!) and matted so severely in the winter 
(before I could touch him) that it's also possible this is why there was hair 
loss. His itching is severe but the skin now is normal (used to have lesions) 
He hates fish oil, I
 was hoping he would take it to soothe the inflamation.
My vet was surprised that everything was normal, since his IFA was positive, 
too.  Or, can it be that if the immune system is just so out of whack it can't 
even register in the bloodwork? His heart/lungs/lymph nodes, etc are all normal 
too.  We think he is just under 2 years old.  He lost 7 ounces, but that was 
since the neutering in Jan, and could be normal.
He's got a set up in the shed, but likes to sleep right on the patio and back 
door stoop; I am also showing him the sunroom, and he's slowly checking it out, 
so I hope he can stay in there. He's no longer terrified of ceilings, but only 
cautious, and is understanding that 'inside is good'.  Every time I take him to 
the vet, he gets more loving, like he knows we are trying to help him.  I guess 
I will take his results as good news for now, and try to be as preventative as 
we can.  
thanks for everyone's help.  He's such an adorable character, with a high 
pitched meeew and jade green eyes. And he knows his daddy now too, and made 
sure he fell in love with him too (he seemed to know that was the ticket to 
getting 'in') 

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