GLOW to guide her safely across the bridge, and to help heal the hearts of
everyone who loved her.

you gave her so much in her time with you; at some point, i hope you're able
to understand that, and know that she carries those memories of your shared
love with her just as you carry her in your heart forever. (yeah, sounds
corny, but it's true.)

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference....

Special-Needs Coordinator, Purebred Cat Breed Rescue (
Member, SCAT (Special-Cat Action Team)

On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 4:48 PM, Sharyl <> wrote:

> Rocket had a bad week. She had gotten another Immunoreglin shot last
> Monday. It didn't seem to help her at all. She just wasn't interested in
> eating except for a little kibble. I tried several times to syringe feed her
> but she got so upset. She would start panting like she couldn't catch her
> breath. We were to go back to the vet today. This morning she wasn't able to
> walk very well and was having problems breathing.
> So we made that final trip to the vet. Thankfully my dear neighbor drove
> us. Rocket normally starts with heavy breathing when we go to the vet. This
> morning  was worse than normal. She had a small seizure as we were entering
> the vet's office and died there in my arms. Her little heart just gave up.
> I'm sure she had some type of tumor. Wasn't anemia like Sissy.
> She was such a good girl. Never a big love bug but enjoyed playing with the
> feather toy and loved her treats. Even this last week she was rubbing my
> leg as I was preparing the food plates. Another reason it was so
> heartbreaking when she wouldn't eat.
> Rocket is my last FeLV baby. I do feel fortunate to have had her for almost
> 4 yrs. I 1st met her at the dumpsters July '06. She was one of 5 kittens
> that would come running when I showed up with food. Spooky vanished but over
> time I was able to trap Rocket, Sissy, Daisy and Mae. Rocket and Sissy
> became house kitties. Daisy and Mae were much older when I trapped them and
> became garage kitties. Now Daisy's babies and these four are gone. Leaves a
> big hole in my heart. At least she had a good life and wasn't sick until
> these last few weeks.
> By sharing her story I am trying to celebrate her life and encourage others
> to love their companions each and every day.
> Sharyl
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