pushover when it comes to animals and children who are nt able to defend 
themselves from people's cruelty, but I would rather starve myself than to let 
my babies do without food or care.  Maybe we should start a prayer chain for 
all those people, that they will have a change of heart.
---- Debbie Bates <dlh1...@hotmail.com> wrote: 
> Yes, my Portia came back to me (I had fostered her when she was trapped & 
> pregnant)...she was part of a group of 20 cats dumped behind a local library 
> when her human was evicted/foreclosed on...she was in pathetic shape and we 
> were unsure any of her kittens would survive.  Long story short, I was with 
> her when she delivered three precious little bundles....who eventually went 
> up for adoption.  Portia was deemed "unadoptable" because she was terrified 
> of humans and would lash out at anyone who violated her "personal 
> space"....so she was sent by the rescue group to a "sanctuary" in South 
> FL.....that I was assured was "wonderful"....imagine my horror a month later 
> when said sanctuary was raided and shut down by law 
> enforcement....unsanitary, no medical care, experimentations....ugh.  I 
> immediately contacted the group that sent her there and told them I was going 
> to the place the next day and they had BETTER have contacted them to arrange 
> for me to take her back.
> During her month in that "sanctuary" she had lost another pound (she was 
> underweight to begin with), had a broken canine and respiratory infection, 
> and was even more traumatized than when I had first taken her in.
> She has been with me now just a little under a year since that day....and 
> actually allows me to pet her now.  She was NOT unadoptable...she just needed 
> to find a home that had a bit of patience...I now consider her one of MY 
> cats...but worry about her if something happens to me.  I am only 56...but 
> you never know how long your time on earth will be.  I am busy trying to set 
> my affairs in order that I will be able to provide for my 10 "babies" if I 
> should die before them.....I wish there were a sanctuary similar to Rustic 
> Hollow here in Florida....or that I could win the lottery and start my OWN 
> sanctuary!
> Debbie 
> ~ When the world says, "Give up," hope whispers, "Try it one more time" ~ 
> > Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2010 22:56:21 -0600
> > From: dlg...@windstream.net
> > To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Finding homes for cats upon death
> > 
> > The trust issue is a big thing with 2 of mine. Annie went through a lot 
> > when yher owner died. i think the worst of it was not knowing what happened 
> > to her owner. she had been an only cat for 4 years, sleeping on the lady's 
> > bed, super spoiled. then she was locked up for 3 weeks with someon coming 
> > to feed and change her box. then put in a box and brought to the vet's 
> > office and then came to my house where she encontered another cat and 2 new 
> > people. she spent the first 2 weeks in the basement, sneaking pu at night 
> > to eat and drink.
> > Nitnoy showed up with a bloody 4" stump of a tail. took her to the vet for 
> > repairs and shots and spaying and then brought her home to 7 other cats. I 
> > later found her tail in the yard and discovered it was a raccoon who did it 
> > when one showed up on the deck and looked in the window. she went balistic 
> > and nearly killed me trying to get away from him. she is still sensitive 
> > about her tail and after almost a year allows me to hold her. That is why I 
> > think a place like Rustic Hollow would be good for my girls and boy, they 
> > have a "home" environment to live in. I am also going to send a letter for 
> > each one telling about all their personalities, etc. I am doing the letters 
> > now just in case. I am 70 after all. I have also arranged with someone to 
> > drive them to Rustic Hollow.
> > ---- Lorrie <felineres...@kvinet.com> wrote: 
> > > On 12-21, Debbie Bates wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > Lorrie, that is something I lay awake at night worrying about
> > > > myself...not only my own cats, but the ferals I have TNR'd and care
> > > > for....in July I was hospitalized for almost three weeks....thank
> > > > goodness my husband was able to care for them (well, as much as he
> > > > could)....but I hesitate to do any more rescue work because I am
> > > > not a spring chicken any more...and who will take them if and when
> > > > I die? Some of my cats came from very bad places and have trust
> > > > issues....most are not very friendly to strangers....and I don't
> > > > make the kind of money where I can provide a lot even IF I could
> > > > find someone I could trust...I'm not sure there is a perfect
> > > > solution....we just do the best we can.
> > > 
> > > I know exactly how you feel........ All of my 14 cats, with the
> > > exception of 2, are afraid of strangers, which is the case with 
> > > most rescued cats or rehabilitated semi-ferals.
> > > 
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