Fluids:  Before I insert the needle (very quickly), I pick up the fold of
skin and massage/knead it for a while between my fingers and when I stick in
the needle, the cat doesn't even know it. Natalie

-----Original Message-----
From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
[mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2011 2:46 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] request for counsel on BreAnne

Has your vet done a complete blood panel on her?  You might be able to find
a clue to her problem.  Also complete urine test would help.  These will
help identify a problem.  Since cats are so good at hiding illness, we
sometimes need to go to extemes.  It costs, but may be less in the long
runsince you find out fast what is wrong and needs to be done.   
As to food, I have found that Gerber's baby food (check first to be sure
there is on onion or garlic in it) is easier to feed and my girls have
responded to that. Also, add hot water to canned food.  My girls and boy
seem to prefer the liquid to eating the meat.  At least they get some
nutrition. Also, has your vet said anything about doing sub q fluids?  I had
to do that with Lil Bit after I first got her.  Se was stressed out, had a
ragged coat, no luster and had lost weight.  After a little over 1 - 1/2
weeks, she responded and has been fine since.  Giving her fluids wasn't very
hard.  The vet gave me a bag of fluids and needles and told me how to do it.
The heardest part was sticking her with the needle but I remimded myself I
was doing it for her benefit. 
If she is stressed out, maybe keep her seperate from the others for a while
and give her lots of extra attention and loving to reassure her that she is
loved.  Then reintroduce her to the others and see how it goes then.  These
ae all tihngs I have done with my pride.  Good luck! 
---- czadna sacarawicz <czadnasacaraw...@hotmail.com> wrote: 
> BreAnne is just short of 2 yoa; spayed.  She was the playmate of ToriRose
who succumbed to Fe leukemia 2.2010.  BreAnne tested + at that time.  Isaac
left 2.2011.  I gathered everyone else up and moved them into my apartment
from the country when Isaac left.  BreAnne was/is an assertive female.
Isaac used to terrorize Scrumptious in a major way.  BreAnne and Scrumptious
show little mercy for each other.  There are now 6 cats.
> Cats are shedding.  BreAnne's tail and rear legs look as if she has a bad
case of the fleas.  When I flea comb her she continues to lose a lot of fur.
there are no fleas.  there is now no luster in her fur.  Bowel movements
look okay.  
> this past Saturday I continued the follow-up ELISA testing.  The 2
originally negative cats are still negative and I vaccinated them.  I asked
the vet to look at BreAnne.  He commented on her ratty, looking dry coat,
said she had a temperature (but that it may have been due to the long ride
up).  I have no explanation about why I didn't ask how high or about
starting her on an antibiotic.  We started everyone on Petzlife oral gel
(thank you Natalie) a couple weeks ago.   He said her mouth looked good.
BreAnne has been losing weight, not eating well.  I follow her around with
the food and draw her attention to it.  She won't eat anything containing
the usual supplements we use. I have been hydrating some orally and giving
some NutriCal.  She has been hanging out under the bathroom sink cabinet in
the darkness. 
> Easter Sunday I was able to be home all day and let Scrumptious out (since
she is negative). 
> I guess writing this is about getting ready maybe to let her go.  The cat
she is today in no way resembles her picture of 16 months ago. Stress for
her?  Her Grieving the loss of Isaac?  She was really, really thin about 9
months ago but came back from it naturally. 
> will leave it there.
> any comments will be appreciated
> czadna
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