The SNAP test is not as accurate as the maker has hyped, or most Vet's 

Go to this link for Testing Protocols.

Basically both tests the SNAP(Elisa) and the IFA results need to be the same 
results, otherwise the kitten/cat is still not a true positive.

SomeWhere Sam

From: Jenny Orvis <>
Sent: Fri, July 8, 2011 5:06:28 AM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Rescue Kitten FeLV+

I just rescued a kitten two days ago, Cali. She was bullied by a dog so was
looking a little rough. She's 8 weeks old. Broke my heart when I found her
in the state she was in and I couldn't leave her. On the drive home she
stayed in my arms clinging close. We stopped and got her a can of food and
nearly snarfed the thing down in one setting! She's a very happy kitten,
little skiddish, but happy.
I took her to the vet yesterday. She has a sore on her tongue and a bit of a
runny nose and small fever, and otherwise heart and lungs sound good. But,
she tested positive for FeLV with the SNAP test. My heart just dropped. I
have an 8 month old kitten also, Joey, who tested negative when we got him,
and am worried about his health. He's up-to-date on all of his shots, and
the vet is not concerned about it spreading to him too much other than

I've only had Cali for 48 hours and I'm already attached. I want to keep
her, but am a bit worried about FeLV and Joey. I know I won't introduce the
two until she's over her sniffles. She's in the spare bedroom all set up,
and Joey is quite interested thankfully! Was afraid it'd be World War 3.

I know I've read somewhere about a kitten being so young and testing
positive, but actually not having it so I'm hoping that's what it is. She
goes back in two weeks. I've just been worrying if I'm crazy for wanting to
keep a possible FeLV+ kitten while my other baby is not positive. Any
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