Also would like to add he did kiss, pacify the cats/kittens, give special kitty treats, and baby talk to them. When it was bedtime for him he would ask me to move the cats from his side of the bed or he would sleep on my side so he wouldn't disturb the kitties. It was like this on the living room furniture as well. Husband would sit elsewhere wouldn't move them. If he had something on his dinner plate he would share it with the kitties too.
I used to tease him about this. Where as myself I would move the kitties so I could sit or lay in bed. I knew they would come back because in the mornings I feel like a pretzel when I woke up.

Sultan, WA. 98294
Terrie Mohr-Forker
Non-Profit national rescue
Dedicated to the welfare of animals.
Copyright © 1999-2010 All rights reserved.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Felvtalk] Great Topic: Husbands and cats
From: <>
Date: Sun, July 10, 2011 8:39 am

LOL....I had to respond to this as well.
In the early years my late husband was a dog man and tolerated cats. Within 2 years I converted him into a cat man. Don't get me wrong he still loved dogs but like cats better because they were more personable. We are dog owners too. Over the course of years he had a few personal kitties. One is still with me. He is a 14 year old Balinese named Vinnie.
When my husband became ill I took Vinnie to the skilled nursing facility to visit my late husband before he died. Vinnie also knew when he died too. Which spooked me sort of. Vinnie was sleeping then all the sudden woke up, started meowing, paced the floor a bit then went back to sleep. Within minutes the facility called me and told me my husband had passed away at 4:30 am   (03/31/2011).
So I know animals have some sort of connection with us humans when they are close like these two. When I got to the facility and told my daughter this she said she isn't surprised by this. Vinnie and my late husband were very close like 2 peas in a pod. My husband always called him his buddy and partner.
He had also said over the course of the years he wanted to come back as one of my cats because they were spoiled and taken care of if it is possible. Whether they were rescues or personal kitties. I do know he said he couldn't wait to see the original "Taz" that had passed back in 2002.
Very few men would tolerate or care for the animals I had in rescue over the years. He would care for cats and kittens like feeding, doing litter boxes, medicate if needed, would clean up hair balls. The one thing that would cracked me up is if a cat/kitten puked he would let me know and ask me to look at it or inspect to make sure it was okay. This was to make sure it was normal looking. The one thing he couldn't deal with was blood from animals. Humans he didn't care except for his loved ones.
He had a great love for animals especially for those that couldn't fend for themselves.
My husband was a one of a kind man and missed greatly by us.
Thanks for reading felt I needed to let others know from my end.

Sultan, WA. 98294
Terrie Mohr-Forker
Non-Profit national rescue
Dedicated to the welfare of animals.
Copyright © 1999-2010 All rights reserved.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Husbands and cats
From: Lorrie <>
Date: Sun, July 10, 2011 7:52 am

On 07-09, Lynda Wilson wrote:
> Wow! You are diligent keeping those litter boxes cleaned out. I bet
> your kitties love you more for that! Lorrie, what a caring and
> loving person you are to have 15 cats! I would have that many if I
> did not have a husband, lol! (Note: my husband has told me several
> times through the years that if there is such a thing as
> reincarnation, then he wants to come back as one of my cats!). I
> bet ppl say the same to you :)

Believe it or not my husband disliked my cats at one time. He never
mistreated them, but I dared not have more than 2 or 3, and when one
of them would jump on his lap he'd sort of freeze, and he never would
pet them. Then one day I brought home a 4th cat, a little silver
gray female, "Tizzy", who won his heart! Since I rescue cats they
just kept coming after that, and now he is a total idiot over all the
cats. He kisses them, sleeps with them, and if one is on his lap he
refuses to get up as he might disturb the cat. He spoils them rotten
and even lets them sleep on the dinner table which I do NOT like, but
this is certainly a lot better than it was years ago.

If any of you have difficult husbands I can rent out Tizzy :-)


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