As much as I love my family, I would not trust them with my cats.  They or ther 
spouces are not cat lovers and I would never feel easy leaving my babies with 
them.  Like you say, they could take the money and dump the cats.  That is why 
I would rather trust strangers who have already committed themselves to caring 
for unwanted cats.  At least their hearts are in the rght place.

---- Lorrie <> wrote: 
> On 09-08, Bonnie Hogue wrote:
> > For most of us, it is not just finding a trustworthy care giver,
> > it's having enough money to provide for them and the cats.  If you
> > have property (and other wealth) this could make all the difference
> > for your feline family.  I don't know about you, but I always feel
> > "nobody loves them like I do"...which may be true, but to ensure
> > they're cared for is a burden relieved. ~Bonnie
> I know what you mean about thinking no one can love them like I do,
> and I also worry about someone taking what money they get for each
> cat and then dumping the cat and spending the money.
> I am not wealthy, just comfortable from a small inheritance my
> parents left me.   I have to be careful with my money, but I have
> enough saved up for the care of my cats. It's the person who will
> care for them that's my huge concern.
> Lorrie
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