On 09-09, Natalie wrote:
> Isn't that in Florida?  All little houses; but how does one keep track of 
> them out there, and so many, how can he know who's sick?  Don't they get out? 
>  Is it all fenced in?  I had so many questions when I saw the video....
> Man builds cat-sized village for homeless cats: 
> http://green.yahoo.com/blog/guest_bloggers/69/man-builds-cat-sized-village-for-homeless-cats.html
>  . 
> There's also a woman in CA, I think, who has 600 cats - looks like a great 
> place.

The place in Florida is called Caboodle Ranch and it looked
wonderful, but their entrance fee is only $150. per cat which raised
a red flag for me.  I don't see how they can give lifetime care to
cats for that little amount.

The place in CA is Cat House on the Kings.  She has 700 cats and they
just did a show on TV about her called, The Woman With 700 Cats. She
has 25 employees and the place looks great.  

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