Can you advise what the costs are and where it can be obtained? I have some older ferals who are not touchable. This might be of interest. Thanks. On Jun 3, 2012, at 6:03 PM, <> < > wrote:

Wonder if this would help my Homey - she has sturvite crystals. Keeps coming back.

---- Natalie <> wrote:
Hi, everyone;

I thought this might be of interest to you.

One of our older cats (17) - blood tests revealed slight renal problem, for which my vet recommended a new product RenAvast; there's a lot more info on it if you search. I contacted them and since I am a 501 (c) (3) group, they kindly they offered wholesale prices (as to a vet). Apparently, you can start using it on cats who don't have a "problem"

I also started using NutraMin as a supplement for all the cats.


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