It's not a certainty that the kittens would be positive for FeLv if the mom 
was. You need to test each kitten separately when they are about 12 weeks old.  
Even if they test positive, don't have them killed.  FeLv can sometimes be 
overcome in kittens and in cats.  I have a cat who was positive but turned 
negative after 2 months quarantined in a room.  That was about 7 years ago.  He 
is now with my regulars and still healthy.  This has happened to another cat 
recently although he was positive for FIV.  With FIV they rarely turn after 
they are adults but kittens do turn negative for FIV because they really only 
have the antibodies left over from the birth mom.  Once they are on their own 
and making their own blood, they turn negative for FIV.  However, FeLv is 
tricky and sometimes does not turn in kittens who are born to a positive mom.  
As for fleas, I doubt it.  Fleas can transmit flea tape worm and possibly 
toxoplasmosis but I have never been
 told by a vet that FeLv can be transmitted by fleas. 

Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 

 From: Kathy <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 9:05 AM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Transmittal via fleas

I'm new to this group & to FeLV.  2 kittens showed up at my house about a 3 
weeks ago, I took them inside, bathed good & put in separate room away from my 
2 other cats.  I just found out that the mother cat has FeLV so have been told 
that the kittens probably do as well.  I found a few fleas on one of the 
kittens last night so immediately bathed both of them again & vacuumed the room 
really good.  I've been so careful to keep them away from my other 2 cats & now 
am a bit concerned that a few fleas could transmit if they got on my cats.  Any 
advice that can be offered is appreciate.  I researched briefly online & saw 
that it was a possibility so am concerned.  I also treated the kittens (a 
little over 8 weeks) w/a flea spot treatment about an hour after their 
bath……… was specifically for any kitten or cat 8 weeks & older.  Was a 
milder treatment I could tell b/c it doesn't kill flea eggs.
Kathy Wood
“Until one has loved an animal a part of one's soul remains unawakened.” 
Anatole France 1844-1924 
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