Hi Beth,
His HCT was 28% (2% below normal).

On Sun, Sep 9, 2012 at 6:38 AM, Beth <create_me_...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Most of my FeLV cats have died from anemia. Your other cats may be ok.if
> he has been positive for all this time there's no reason to separate them
> now.  Our shelter had a hoarding case a few yrs ago where some of the cats
> were FeLV positive but most were not & remained negative after a lengthy
> quaranteen. Some just develop natural immunity. You do need to get them
> tested, though.
> I personally would not have spent the money on an IFA test at this point.
> You just have to treat him like any other cat who is ill. Treat the
> symptoms. Did they say what the red blood cell count was?
> Beth
> Don <mosquito.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >Thanks for your note Lee.  I am an "old hand" when it comes to long term
> >care for a sick cat.  We nursed Oliver's brother, Milo, for 3 years with
> >CRF and a heart condition.  I cannot count the number of subQ sessions,
> >pills, and assisted feedings I did.  Through all of it I educated myself
> on
> >every aspect of the disease and treatments.  Our first vet told us we have
> >3-6 months, and we had that and a lot more.  I also went through several
> >vets until I found one who seemed not only to understand but to try.
> >
> >All of what you said makes sense, but I also wonder about his fever.  On
> >Thursday it was 105 but tonight it is normal.  What could be made from
> >this?  He did get a antibiotic shot.  I assumed that the fever was being
> >caused by the virus, but I guess it could have been due to something else.
> >
> >Thanks again.
> >Don and Oliver
> >
> >
> >On Sat, Sep 8, 2012 at 9:21 PM, Lee Evans <moonsiste...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >
> >> I'm sorry you're going through this unhappy experience with Oliver.
>  First
> >> of all, I would just  like to mention that the FIV vaccine is always a
> bad
> >> idea.  It turns the cat positive on testing.  If the cat gets lost,
> picked
> >> up by someone who tests him and is not aware that FIV is NOT contagious
> by
> >> any way but deep biting, usually in a fight for mating superiority, then
> >> the cat would be killed by a vet or by Animal Control.  So please don't
> use
> >> this vaccine.  It does nothing to protect your cat because neutering is
> >> what protects most cats from FIV, no mating, no fighting, no biting into
> >> blood vessels.
> >>
> >> OK.  Back to Oliver.  Since you didn't have him tested when you
> originally
> >> offered him your home, he may have been a carrier of FeLv all these
> years
> >> and your other cats, who have been living with him are still healthy so
> >> don't worry yourself too much.  One of my cats, Tiger, lived to be 14.
> He
> >> had been tested twice for FeLv but tested negative.  The disease
> sometimes
> >> hides in the bone marrow and does not show up on the test. He did become
> >> very ill towards the end, but it was renal failure that caused his
> death.
> >> Because he was showing symptoms of anorexia and anemia, the vet tested
> him
> >> and he was FeLv+.  However, my vet said that if he hadn't had renal
> >> failure, he may have survived another year with good nutrition and
> >> antibiotics. Tiger lived with 12 other cats.  They ate, drank together
> and
> >> used each others litter boxes.  They groomed each other and slept
> >> together.  They were like one big family.  None of the other cats ever
> >> tested positive for anything even several years after Tiger passed.  The
> >> very best that you can do now for Oliver is allow him to live whatever
> the
> >> rest of his life is as he has lived the past 15 years, happily and
> >> peacefully with not a whole lot of vet visits or stress.  Whatever
> >> medication you want to try, is OK as long as you research it.  This is
> only
> >> my own opinion.  You have to take into account what your vet tells you
> >> also.  It may or may not be  FeLv that has become active.  It could be
> an
> >> ordinary virus or bacterial infection.  Vets tend to jump on the first
> >> thing that they are taught might be fatal.  I have quite a few FIV+
> cats.
> >> Every time they get an upper resp. infection, the vet tells me that of
> >> course, they are more prone to get infections than ordinary cats.  Which
> >> isn't true because my regular cats get the sneezes and runny noses more
> >> often than the FIV+ cats.  I have learned not to do battle with old
> >> fashioned thinking in veterinarians.  But I do gently remind them that I
> >> have had a lot of cats in for URI who were not positive for anything but
> >> URI.  I will keep Oliver and you in my thoughts.  Just keep on loving
> him
> >> and try to lower your own stress level so he won't feel something is
> wrong.
> >>
> >>
> >> Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty
> >> neighbors too!
> >>
> >>
> >>   ------------------------------
> >> *From:* Don <mosquito.d...@gmail.com>
> >> *To:* felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> >> *Sent:* Saturday, September 8, 2012 8:51 PM
> >> *Subject:* [Felvtalk] Need advice for our cat Oliver
> >>
> >> Hello.
> >> Our boy Oliver, has been doing well since his brothers passing due to
> >> last Feb but in the past year or so we have seen some signs that we had
> >> been reading as old age (less grooming, weight loss...he just turned 15
> >> this August). Thursday night he was acting lethargic and seemed to be
> warm
> >> to the touch. I dropped him off at our vet who suggest it might just be
> a
> >> virus (most of this blood panel was good, except a low white blood cell
> >> count, now 2% below normal HCT values since July, and a 105 F
> temperature).
> >> He suggested we might test him for leukemia and FIV as he wanted to
> rule it
> >> out even though Oliver has always been an indoor cat (he used a ELISA
> snap
> >> test...as far as we know he has never been tested for feLV or FIV). The
> bad
> >> news came later when he called to say he was positive for both. He said
> the
> >> FIV could be false if Oliver was every given an FIV vaccination (he
> has),
> >> but the other was likely true (and also explained the low white count
> and
> >> the fever, and now in retrospect some of the other issues). The vet
> thinks
> >> he may have had this all his life and is just now experiencing the
> >> symptoms. So now he is home and although I have read up some and don't
> see
> >> much hope, I wondered if anyone can offer any advice. We have sent the
> >> blood off to get the more sophisticated test but won't hear back until
> next
> >> week.
> >> Our vet, who is the best I have had, suggested perhaps he will last a
> few
> >> weeks or months, given that he is showing signs that his body might be
> >> losing the battle (low white cells, anemia). I'm trying to be
> optimistic,
> >> but with no treatments I know this is probably a battle we cannot win.
> >>
> >> Here are my questions:
> >> 1. We have 2 other cats who we think have had the feLV booster recently
> >> (they are 14 and 16 years old and got the immunization as kittens).  Are
> >> they in danger? If they got shots as kittens would they be still safe?
>  We
> >> have Oliver with his own litter box and am making sure they use separate
> >> water and food bowls.  There is not grooming among them.
> >> 2.  Is there anyway to know if Oliver can still fight off the virus and
> >> become free of it?  If he did have it for 14-15 years, then why does he
> >> have symptoms now?  If it was a recent exposure (we cannot think of any
> way
> >> he would have gotten it) then could he still be fine?
> >> 3.  He seems fine now (no fever, eating, drinking, using the litter box,
> >> etc.) so is this a good sign that perhaps he is able to fight it off or
> is
> >> this just a false hope.
> >> 4.  If the other test is positive, would anyone suggest using the LTCI
> >> treatment?  I have not found good scientific info on it's effectiveness
> >> although there appear to be no major side effects.
> >>
> >> Thanks.
> >> Don and Oliver
> >>
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