We tapped Shmoo's lungs last night for fluid. Drew out about 90ml total. He
had a rough night coming off the anesthesia but was better this morning.
Still a little labored in breathing but not as bad as before the tap and I
was so glad to see him purring and stretching happily. But he mostly
relaxed/laid around today, unlike his 2 active siblings. Vet said the fluid
will likely refill in a few days so we just spend as much time with him as
we can while we wait. I'm unable to search the archives right now but isn't
there anything else I can do to make the fluid stop? Didn't expect to lose
another one so soon after Terence. He's so innocent.


On Friday, December 20, 2013, Lance wrote:

> Anisocoria can be an indicator of FeLV presence, though I don’t think it
> indicates progression of the disease in any way that we know about. Ember
> developed anisocoria almost five years ago, when she was seven. I haven’t
> taken her to a specialist, but we ruled out toxo. At times, the vet has
> thought that the pupil has gotten a bit smaller, but I’ve never seen a real
> change.
> Lance
> On Dec 20, 2013, at 9:44 AM, Katherine K. 
> <kaths...@gmail.com<javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'kaths...@gmail.com');>>
> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I just noticed my 10 year old FeLV cat, Krammer, has uneven pupils. He had
> a winky/weepy eye a couple of weeks ago for a few days, where he had some
> drainage and one eye was squinty with a smaller pupil. It cleared up on
> it's own after a few days (I give him lysine). A day or two ago it came
> back, this time the other eye (if I recall correctly). The affected eye is
> squinty, third eyelid shows a little, and one pupil is small while the
> other pupil looks normal.  I'm not sure if this is just a herpes flare up,
> or something else. He first tested positive about 6 months ago. I found the
> term anisocoria while searching this list archives. Gonna research a
> little more.
> Second question:
> One of my 8 month old FeLV kittens, Shmoo, began having what I would call
> labored or heavy breathing 2 days ago. I can see his sides and nose moving
> as he breathes. He is a little less active, and last night he
> coughed/wheezed a little and his paw pads, usually pink (he's a white cat),
> looked slightly purple, like he's not getting enough oxygen. He looked pink
> again this morning. Gonna take him in, but wanted to mention it here too in
> case anyone has input.
> Thanks,
> Katherine
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