I would definitely say go to another vet. We educate ourselves well, but we
aren't vets, we can't know everything.
On Sep 21, 2014 8:29 PM, "Lance" <lini...@fastmail.fm> wrote:

> Your post came through fine. Can you consult with another vet? I was
> reluctant to give any medicine (or supplement) to my Ember without getting
> a professional’s advice and approval. That said, I’m sure others here can
> discuss what they’ve used in similar situations.
> I hope Moe is less sneezy tomorrow.
> Lance
> On Sep 21, 2014, at 6:20 PM, one23di...@aol.com wrote:
> I'm not sure if I am doing this posting properly or not, but here goes.
>  Moe is my felv+ heart kitty.  A few days ago I noticed he was sneezing,
> and of course my vet is on vacation.  Started him on Amoxi-tabs (1 tablet,
> twice daily).  It has been 3 days and I think he is sneezing more and one
> eye has some discharge.
>  I do have some other antibiotics in the house (clavamox, doxy) and
> wondered if one of them would be a better choice.
>  The vet is not due back for another 10 days........
>  Any suggestions would be most welcome.
> leslie & Moe and the furballs
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