Great idea Rachel.  I hope Amani can tell us where to get Winstrol,
as my vet is totally against it.

I got a chuckle out of your idea of becoming a Winstrol drug dealer,
and having Amani defend you!


On 05-14, Rachel Dagner wrote:
>    Good Morning Amani,
>    I hope you are not working today, lawyers need QOL too!
>    I have been thinking about Winstrol and how hard it is for people to
>    get their vets to get on board and how hard it is to find it. So I was
>    thinking that maybe since you are the go to person for those of us
>    looking to go this route, you could start a file of those who have
>    tried it along with blood test results and notes or letters from vets,
>    along with places we find that make Winstrol. You could then send the
>    file to people to take with them to their vets. The more vets that try
>    it and see results the more likely they are to try it again and share
>    their experience with other vets.
>    My second option would be that I could become a Winstrol kitty drug
>    dealer, and if I got caught you could defend me. Then we could write a
>    book about it.
>    Option one sounds a little more promising though.
>    Rachel

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