Dear Kitty Friends,
I've attached a number of exchanges regarding the use of Winstrol to combat 
FeLV. I;m taking my compilation to my vet and telling her (well firmly asking) 
to read through the information and begin to do her own research. Our vets need 
to do at least two pieces of research/investigation. First, they need to 
research the efficacy of using steroids on cats and secondly, they need to find 
legal supply routes to obtain Winstrol/Stargate. If I've missed any significant 
parts of our exchanges, please tell me and resend those parts. I'll add them to 
what we have and it will all be in one place. Thanks to all  of you for 
weighing in on this critical subject

Attachment: Feline Leukemia notes.docx
Description: MS-Word 2007 document

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