On Aug 28, 2004, at 1:29 PM, Darcy James Argue wrote:

On 28 Aug 2004, at 04:19 PM, Dean M. Estabrook wrote:

I inferred from your post that we Americans didn't know how it felt to lose a large number of countrymen in an attack by a foreign force.

No, that's not what I meant at all. What I meant was, Brad seemed to be having trouble putting himself in the shoes of an Iraqi olympian who has lost thousands of his countrymen and finds his country occupied by a foreign power.

Post-9/11, that kind of empathy ought to be easier for Americans, not harder.

- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

Ah, I see. Thank you. I shall now sign off on this topic, in the fear that the erudite Mr. Fenton will launch another ad hominem barrage upon me.


The Pig-Ignorant Moron

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Para mí, la música es la respiración de la vida y del dios.
Per me, la musica è l'alito di vita e del dio.
Pour moi, la musique est le souffle de la vie et de Dieu.
Für mich ist Musik der Atem des Lebens und des Gottes.

Dean M. Estabrook
Director of Music
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
Yuba City, CA

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