Yes, it's possible. Firstly you attach the text block to the page (your title or whatever), Secondly you edit the frame attributes and attach it to a measure. Finally you copy it onto the other staves. I agree that it's impossible to attach one text block to several staves like you can with meaure expressions though.

On 12/24/2004 8:58 AM, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

I am not sure we are talking about the same thing: I was talking about text blocks, not text expressions. How would you copy and paste them? I don't think there is any way to do so. It is not possible to attach a text block to several parts in a score.


Barbara Touburg wrote:
Well, you would have to create a separate score for part extraction and copy and paste the text expressions into all parts that need them. I've done it before and it works ok.

On 12/24/2004 12:29 AM, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

Barbara Touburg wrote:

Yes, by attaching them to measures.

That won't work, for two reasons: Firstly, I am already past extracting, and since there is no way to get to their attributes dialog, there is no way to attach them to measures.

But even doing this prior to extracting won't work: I can only attach them to one part, and I need them in all parts, and there is quite a few parts in this score.


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