On Mar 2, 2005, at 10:35 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:

On 2 Mar 2005 at 20:18, Christopher Smith wrote:

disappearing measures,

I've never seen that. What is that? I have occasionally seen measures APPEAR to vanish, but that is usually because I had a multi-measure rest where I later entered notes, and forgot to turn off the rest.

Well, that does strike me as the kind of problem that no intelligent application should allow to happen. Notes in measures should automatically break multi-measure rests, without the user being required to do anything.

I'm not sure I want ANOTHER automatic sweep through a subroutine slowing down the performance of the program, like Auto Update Layout, Auto Update Hyphens and Smart Word Extensions and the like. Especially given how often this problem (if it is one) would show up. I've only seen it myself a couple of times, and I am a heavy user who revises works constantly.

I also think that staff optimization should not be something that you
have to remove and then re-apply. If you insert new measures, or
insert data in previously empty measures (or you clear/hide
previously populated measures), if you've got optimization turned on,
it should automatically cause the system to re-optimize. I

Re-optimize to what parameters? There's a whole window of options there for that process. I don't want to be asked every time, and I don't want Finale choosing the parameters for me. I would rather do it myself.


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