On May 22, 2005, at 7:03 PM, Rocky Road wrote:

In an exchange with MacSupport, they told me that the ultra low-res preview image was the result of design. If they had included a high-res preview, then your word processing file would have been huge.

I complained, and said that the resolution was so low I couldn't proof my word-processing document without printing it out, which of course adds yet another useless step to the already fussy procedure. I suggested that there be a user-selectionable image resolution, set low by default if they like, but the default should be user-adjustable. Maybe a slider. They said they would forward it to feature requests, but it will die there unless other people write in and ask for it as well.

I complained too. But in the meantime I have switched to 600dpi TIFF images so I can read and check music on screen, which like you I like to do. They look good.

But you can't resize them without getting mondo jaggies. That's the main thing in favour of EPS inserts.


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