On 26 Sep 2005 at 23:54, Kurt Gnos wrote:

> ok., I appologize... I didn't understand you, as well...;-)
> and I appreciate the length of your answer - kind of being taken
> seriously...
> but... until Finale 2006 you couldn't even set panorama to a sound.

Panorama? Is that different from pan? I've been setting pan in Finale 
files for years.

> And that's much in a midi file. I would recommend to export a midi
> file from Finale to, say, Cubase. Take piano sounds. Even edirol's
> (Roland's) super quartet has much better piano sounds than a sound
> card, and the grand is .... grand.

No, no, no. I'm not going to spend my money on these kinds of things 
for the kinds of sounds that are available within my budget. I could 
spend a lot of money on a piano sample that would then make the 
strings sound even more inadequate. And I think the GPO solo strings 
are really not very good at all, at least not nearly as good as the 
massed strings. So, I'd have to buy very expensive solo string 
samples, and now we're talking real money.

And, oh, BTW, I'd need an entirely new PC.

> Take strings... Halion strings is way better than anything you can get
> out of your old soundcard. Ok it costs somewhat. OK you have to tweak
> a bit. But other than hiring real players it will give you a much more
> satisfying experience.

But I'm not looking for a "satifying experience," which I can only 
get with really good live musicians.

I'm looking for something that's good enough for me to be able to get 
the job done in creating my editions and in demonstrating a bit of 
what the music sounds like.

> Using Midi Files. OK, you will get a certain impression of the music,
> but you are right, many soundcards will even do a worse job... Even if
> I must say Window's softsynth will do better than most soundcards...

The Windows softsynth is pretty sucky, in my opinion, especially the 
solo strings. My soundcard's solo strings don't really sound anything 
like solo strings, but they are more musical than the whiny Windows 
softsynth solo strings.

> You can tweak midi files to sound ok.  But you cannot do this in
> Finale.

Well, as I said, I'm not interested in perfect MIDI performances. I'm 
only interested in the best that I can get out of Finale, because I'm 
not going to fork my MIDI file from my notation file because that 
vastly increases the amount of work involved in maintaining them.

> I even had a turtle beach soundcard about 10 years ago.  Payed about a
> 1000 $, too. I dumped it since there were (never, not some years
> later) no drivers to get it to run up to the factory specifics, and
> without crashing...:-(

Mine is flakey under Win2K and probably wouldn't run at all under 
WinXP. They never even provided NT drivers, though they did have an 
explanation of how to get it to work under NT. At one point, Midi2Wav 
couldn't hear it, but now it can hear it, but there is no way to set 
the output volume of the wavetable synthesizer for some reason. This 
happened after I downloaded and tested a bunch of MP3 converters. At 
least now with Midi2Wav I can just reduce the recording levels and 
get decent sound.

> But... On a halfway adequate computer, be it Apple or Windows, you
> WILL get much better sounds if you know how to do it...

My computer is more than adequate for the tasks I use it for.

> Even the 2006 Native Instruments sounds sound much better, and you can
> tweak panorama and reverb, but since there is no official way to save
> them as a wav or aiff or mp3...

I can set reverb in Finale, too.

> I think you mean well. I also think I was rude to say you were behind
> the time but - if you will have a decent mp3 playback there are things
> that matter a lot more than the difference between 128 kb and 192
> kb....

Well, I disagree. You seem to think that you can get a decent MIDI 
performance without spending thousands of dollars and dozens of 
hours. I don't believe that. And even that result will not be enough 
better to justify the time and expense for the purposes that *I'm* 
creating these MIDI files.

If you truly think that you can't set pan and reverb in Finale, then 
it suggests to me that your statements about Finale's inadequacy for 
tweaking a performance are not very credible, because you clearly 
don't know much at all about what Finale has been able to do for more 
than a decade.

David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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