Dear Kurt,

On the imploding issue. Whenever I do this operation, I always clear note expressions, articulations, and smart shapes (using mass edit) from the lower parts and implode them into the highest selected part. This avoids the problem of having duplicates in the imploded result. (Articulations and expressions are also duplicated if you don't remove them first, though you might not notice if they are superimposed on one another.) I never thought about how this might be done better automatically by Finale. It only takes a moment or two.

I have never had the extra last page problem.

I have never used "Space Systems Evenly" since the results seem unpredictable. I prefer to zero all the system margins and place a value in the "Space Between Staves" box. If you set that as you want it on system 2 (system 1 often has more space above it) and select apply to system 2 thru - and leave the last entry box blank (or enter a zero), all subsequent systems will be identically spaced. I usually enter a value that I have reason to think will be visually attractive for the piece in general, and make adjustments on those pages and systems that require it. I have always thought that one of the strengths of computer notation was the fact that inter-staff spacing could be changed according to the needs of legibility - (leaving extra space for ledger lines, expressions, etc.).

Hope this helps.


On Nov 30, 2005, at 2:48 PM, Kurt Gnos wrote:


I like Finale, and I like Finale 2006. Besides the eternal bug of Non-EPS, there are three bugs I come by very often.

1.) When I extract parts, there is always an additional empty page after the last page of the parts. Only if I update I won't print a lot of empty pages. What use? Why? Why still?

2.) When I implode music, say, to do a piano accompaniment from a funk horns section, and there are slurs, I get multiple slurs that I have to get rid of manually. a) Should not the program be intelligent enough to check if the rhythms and slurs are the same and to its task? b) Is there a fast way to erase, say, 2 of 3 slurs in the whole piece of music, or some plugin like "check slurs" or similar? Or a quick workaround?

3.) Since ever. Why won't the spacing between systems change after page 1 even if I did not do anything? Why do I always have to do one of my dozen workarounds to get systems evenly spaced not on one page, but throughout the piece, normally so I won't need more pages than necessary? Why will there be a system on page 2 that has a much bigger space than all of the others?

Since these are things I meet almost every day, I ask you for opinions, workarounds, and maybe they won't be there in Finale 2007?

Still, miss EPS more than everything



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