dc wrote:

Mark D Lew écrit:

Of course I realize that the standard practice in software is to do exactly the opposite, but even after years of struggling with it, it still feels wrong to me, and I still click the wrong arrow as often as not.

Nice to know I'm not the only one! I guess this is the logic of anyone who thinks of this as of reading... Page down takes you to the next page, not to the preceding one.

But you see, right there is a major intuition flaw for some people -- my mother-in-law, for instance, had the hardest time getting Page-Down (and indeed the whole downward-scrolling concept) and Page-Up (and the concept of up-scrolling) since when you click the Page-Down button the actual image on the screen moves UP. She (and I'm sure lots of other users) feel that when you click the up-scroll icon, the image should do what you are telling it to do, and actually move UP the screen.

So as I mentioned in another post a minute ago -- there will NEVER be a user interface that all will agree upon as being intuitive.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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