MB wrote:
    Could anyone explain how I get louder volume out of strings and
softer volume out of keyboards?  If I set velocity to all strings at
127 and keyboard at, say, 100, I can hardly hear the strings, yet the
keyboard is so loud as to be annoying.  Similarly, even if there are no
keyboards in the composition, the strings are still too soft. I must be doing something wrong, but I can't figure out what.
    If this problem has been endlessly discussed previously, I
apologize for asking again.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Is this for all works or just one specific piece? If it's just one specific piece, you might check your Expressions, and see if any have been defined for playback. I frequently duplicate expressions and edit them into new expressions, finding that easier for maintaining font family and size for uniform appearance, and occasionally forget to check if playback has been defined. Perhaps that's what you've done.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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