After wrestling with EPS output in MacFinale 2008 for three days straight, this is all I have to say: Sheesh! (sorry for the strong language, but I am getting a little frustrated.)

Apparently, there are some things that don't embed in exported EPS still, and cause problems. One thing is my painstakingly-created custom arrowhead (if you have ever used the Shape Designer I'm sure you feel my pain. The tip of the arrowhead has to start at EXACTLY h=0 and v=0 or it won't stay attached to the line!). I made a somewhat plumper triangle for a bolder kind of arrow than is the default, and happily stuck it in everywhere in my musical examples. I was proud of that arrow! But it caused my EPS export to break in the usual way, that is, my printer ignored it when I tried to print it from inside AppleWorks or Word. Remove the arrow, it works. Put the arrow back in, it breaks.

OK, I thought, maybe it is custom shapes that EPS doesn't like. I'll try a CHARACTER as an arrowhead. I found one in Zapf Dingbats that didn't depend on Unicode (MAN are they hard to find!), but it didn't work when I typed it in as a character in the Shape Designer (it looked good in the score, but EPS broke on it in the usual way.)

I tried it as Right End text, but I couldn't get it to rotate along with the arrow body unless it was the CENTRE text, which of course defeats the whole purpose. I wanted an arrowhead at the END of my line, not the middle! (Where does it say in the manual that only centre full and centre abbreviated text rotates?) I kludged an arrow using Centre text anyway by adjusting the position of the arrowhead character (sliding it to the end of the line), but it would only work within a very narrow range of lengths before the line and head separated. Congratulating myself on my ingenuity, I popped out a sample EPS. DANG! The tilting element (text or shape) is what breaks EPS! Extracting my computer from the shards of broken windshield on the back seat of my neighbour's car across the street, I went back to attack the problem a different way.

Finally I just used some character arrows I found in Zapf Dingbats. (Arrows that point south-west are VERY rare!) The ones I have look kind of stupid and aren't long enough, but I've about had it. MakeMusic tech support sent me a terse little note after two days of silence following my first inquiry saying they have to check with the researchers about this question and thanking me for my patience. In the same vein of thanking someone for something nonexistent, I would like to thank MakeMusic for the fine job they did with this release.


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