On Aug 19, 2007, at 11:56 PM, A-NO-NE Music wrote:

Christopher Smith / 2007/08/19 / 11:13 PM wrote:

The PDF got created, but the
screen display was the same crappy low-rez preview I get in
AppleWorks, and the file would not print to either of my printers,
getting ignored again.

It would appear that EPS is broken in 2008.

Well, I can tell you this much that I have created PDF lead sheets with FinMac2k8 from the scratch, and my musicians have downloaded and printed
them fine.  They even played them fine on the gig :-)

So have I, which is why I had such confidence in the EPS export to a word processor.

Maybe I should try chopping up a PDF and importing that. It will need to be a word processor that will import PDFs, which is not AppleWorks 6, that's for sure.


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