I can't answer based on current experiences or should I say products but
I think the answer is .. it depends on how you work and your mental
processes - some of which can be modified and some is inherent in ones
personality or inbred work habits.

I have both (NB I have not upgraded to the recent release of Finale) but
do most of my work in Sibelius because I find it suits my working style
best.   For my work patterns and way of thinking I found Sibelius more
intuitive but others on this list, that work & think differently than
me, would most likely suggest that Finale possibly suits them better and
so the end result is that they may be quicker when using Finale.

It also probably depends on the amount of work you have done in both..
This relates to the familiarity of the products and the ability to drive
each more efficiently to get the end result your require.  Again - Sib
is far quicker for me but that is because I simply use it far more.

I have to say I found I learned Sibelius far quicker. I was productive
within the hour with Sibelius whereas it took far longer with Finale.
maybe partly because of the reasons above.   I should note that I used
Finale first and then moved to Sibelius second, after about 18 months or
more of solely using Finale and to be honest a I am really glad I did.

Steve Currington
Wellington, New Zealand

> .... Adam Golding composed the following.....

> Can anyone fluent in both Finale 2008 and Sibelius 5 comment on which
> is actually faster to work in?  If one isn't trying to create
> publishable scores, but merely trying to get scores and parts that an
> orchestral librarian would accept for rehearsal, I get the impression
> that sibelius 5 is much faster, but it's hard to tell without being
> fluent in both...     

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