On Feb 19, 2008, at 7:23 PM, Adam Golding wrote:

yeah i indeed tried the macro route for awhile--setting things up on finale with autohotkey and whatnot--mind you, i could never find an easy way to
enter smartshapes from the keyboard--i think i would have to learn the
actual plugin language to do that. On the other hand, maybe i'm just so addicted to keyboard shortcuts that I can't realize that using the mouse *could* be fast too? I have the same issues with removing articulations.

For removing articulations (I only mention this for other Finale users who might be unaware, as it seems not to be useful for you since you are on Sib now) when the articulation tool is selected you can hold down the Delete key and click individual articulations, or drag around entire passages across staves to remove articulations.

There was a user on here a few years ago who had done his thesis on input devices, and settled on the mouse as being the most flexible overall, in addition to being much faster than people actually thought it was. For some things like entering Smart Shape crescendos, holding down the < or > keys and double-clicking turns out to be very quick, while for slurs it is hard to imagine a quicker way than double-click and drag.


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