That came from my brother, who is a computer contractor. He gave me  
much excellent advice about contracts, including:

Set your original price according to the specifications to be quite  
reasonable. This will get you the gig. However, for any changes to  
the specification, charge hourly up the wazoo, and point out this  
clause to the client in a stern voice. They will always laugh and  
say, oh, we won't be changing anything! Then they always do, and you  
make money to make up for the frustration. However, that clause is  
astonishingly effective at getting clients to get organised, which is  
in everyone's best interest.

Structure the payments. You should have some upon signing, some  
partway through, and the last payment upon final delivery. Make sure  
that ONLY the last one is tied exactly to deliverables, otherwise  
they could cut you loose at any time and you will be out the work you  
did so far. For large projects, several payments are preferable. Make  
sure they know that work will STOP if any payment is missed or  
delayed. Clients are sometimes flaky in the music biz, and  
surprisingly so in the computer biz, too!

Ten percent of your clients give you 90% of your problems. Cut them  
loose, or charge frustration rates to make up for it.

"Double your fees." he said. I boggled. "Are you kidding? I'll lose  
half my clients!" "I'll wait for you to do the math..." he replied.  
Once I got it, he added, "If you aren't losing at least 1 out of 4  
contracts because your price is too high, you aren't charging enough.  
And that doesn't do anyone any good." That was pretty deep, and I  
have been learning more about that ever since. It affects me, the  
clients, and all the other guys around me doing similar work.


On 4-Jul-12, at 4-Jul-12  10:40 AM, Nigel Hanley wrote:

> That's great advice, Christopher. It is certainly a situation I've  
> been in. And thanks for that link to the 'pay by the hour' guy.  
> That is indeed priceless. :)
> - Nigel Hanley

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