On 12/8/2016 8:10 AM, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:
[snip]> Though I've seen it done, alternating notations of 4/4 and 3/2 
while keeping
> the quarter-note pulse the same never made sense to me. I would be expecting
> the conductor to switch to /2 pulses.

That's how I conduct that sort of passage -- 4 quarter-note beats 
indicated for the 4/4, then 3 half-note beats indicated in the 3/2 
measures, each of which is twice as slow as the quarter note beats of 
the 4/4 passage. Thus the speed of the quarter note is maintained and 
the emphasis as implied by the meter is indicated, putting the stress on 
1, 3, 5 in the 3/2 sections as the original poster intends.

David H. Bailey
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