On Wed, April 26, 2017 7:10 am, David H. Bailey wrote:
> This is just another reason that percussion remains a huge black hole
> for most Finale users

I have *never* cracked this. The old maps worked as long as you didn't need
anything outside General MIDI percussion, but they worked out of the box.

But I gave up when VSTs were provided. The default audio output was either
silent or unrelated to what was listed. Transposition is disabled (I often
want to move one instrument into another position). Converting old scores was
even worse, with notes splattered everywhere with endless ledger lines.

I simply couldn't figure it out. There was somebody's external tutorial that
made it worse. I've never gotten Finale to output the sounds I ask for -- and
seriously, I've worked with MIDI since the hardware days of the early 1980s.
I've developed sets of SoundFonts, have extensive audio sample libraries, etc.

But with Finale, the lightbulb has never come on for assigning the sound I
want to output. Finale is the only sequencer that makes no sense to me.

It would be really great if Finale shipped with default percussion output that
automatically matched the VSTs provided, or, even better, if they would switch
to the system other programs use: drag this sound from this library and drop
it on this line or space. Done.


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