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Subject: CVS support at SourceForge and Nov. 30
Date: Sat, 07 Oct 2017 16:21:13 +0000
From: SourceForge Support <cvsdec...@sourceforge.net>
To: f...@snaggledworks.com

Greetings project admin,

We have been planning to discontinue CVS support here at SourceForge for several years now, and that time has finally arrived. Since your project is making use of CVS for your source version control, you should now convert your repository over to another version control system.

The current plan is to stop allowing CVS commits by November 30th. To be able to continue making source code changes you’ll need to have your CVS repo converted by then. The ssh access method will stop working, but read-only access via both pserver, rsync, and interactive shell will continue to be available past the cutoff date (we haven’t determined if or when the read-only support will end). This means that you will have plenty of time to convert your data to a new SCM format, even well past the cutoff date.

If you don’t have a particular SCM choice in mind, we recommend choosing Subversion (SVN) since it has a workflow that is most similar to that of CVS. You might also want to choose Git, which is very popular these days, though it does have a steeper learning curve compared to switching to Subversion. You can even give each one a try and keep the one you like best. Don’t be afraid to experiment.

For information on how to convert your repository from CVS to SVN or Git, visit the following web page: https://sourceforge.net/p/forge/documentation/CVS/

The page also documents the rsync backup method.

We hope that your conversion goes smoothly. You can let us know if you run into any issues by replying to this email.


SourceForge Support

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