
I only came upon this thread after having some trouble with matplotlib myself...

On 18 Sep 2009, at 22:44, John K. Parejko wrote:

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 02:09:05PM -0400, John K. Parejko wrote:

I'm trying to install the new version of matplotlib-py26, but I get
the following error about it trying to overwrite files that belong to

I can't reproduce this on my 10.4/ppc machine with unstable activated
(dateutil-py26-1.4-1 matplotlib-py26-0.99.0-1) and with all packages
built locally by fink (vs downloaded precompiled .deb).

After some digging, I remembered that I'd built a pre-release of
matplotlib 0.98.something so that I could use some of the new 0.98.x
features.  When I did the build, I used the SVN version with "python
setupegg.py develop" to make following SVN changes easier.  This sets
up some symlinks and references in /site-packages back to the build

I removed fink's python2.6 and all *-py26 packages and matplotlib now
installs cleanly and seems to work fine.  Let this be a warning to
those who try to run on the bleeding edge!

Just wondering - by this do you mean you removed all the fink python2.6-libraries and reinstalled them and afterwards succeeded in building matplotlib- py26, or did you then compile matplotlib independently of fink? The latter does not
really sound like a solution to the fink package's problem...
What I found, also perhaps trying to be more on the bleeding edge, was that matplotlib 0.99 and in particular 0.99.1 introduced a number of new configuration settings, among others setting a default to try to install its own pytz and dateutil
in setup.cfg.
I managed to put a working package for afterwards, attached below.

On this occasion, I am wondering if sending updated package descriptions to the list, as I've done before, is the appropriate way, or whether I should rather send them directly to the maintainer or simply be content to wait until they've checked in
their own updates or...

Whatever the correct upgrade path, I'd also like to make a suggestion at this point: Is it possible to remove the numeric-py and numarray-py dependencies, perhaps at least make them "Suggests:" or "Enhances:" instead? They are clearly no longer required to build or use matplotlib (in fact I am not even sure if they are still officially supported as backends, since that configuration option has been removed now), and I find it rather painful to still being forced to keep two long outdated libraries installed. I'd think anyone who still needs either of them for legacy routines or data would know
so on their own - just my 2d.


Attachment: matplotlib-py.info
Description: Binary data

Attachment: matplotlib-py.patch
Description: Binary data

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