He is not out of touch , MD and github is proved to be better for getting
more translations and docs and code contributions

After we have docbook it can be converted to MD


pandoc -f docbook firebirdinternals.xml -t markdown

On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 12:07 PM, Helen Borrie <hele...@iinet.net.au> wrote:

> At 10:49 p.m. 11/11/2014, Jiří ÄŒinÄ ura wrote:
> >Wouldn’t it be easier to have it in MD and on i.e. GitHub where people
> can easily contribute? SF is not making this easy.
> Jiri, you seem to be out of touch with this thread.  It is about
> translating the Russian version of the Language Reference into English,
> from which point volunteers can set about translating it into other
> languages.  We currently have a crowd-funding going on to raise the money
> to pay a professional translator for the Russian-to-English task.
> Helen
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