Dear FISers,

Thanks to the different parties for the very authoritative responses. My
two main contentions after reading imply "concision" or "parsimony" (it
is not possible to attempt a succinct treatment of the term?), and a
relative lack of emphasis on "adaptability"  (though it was clearly
present in Bill's text through Popper).

About the former, my position is that an advancement in the whole
cluster of information-related terms would naturalize and would provide
more elegant understanding of the term in a variety of contexts
---cellular, nervous systems, individuals & cultures, institutions,
etc.). "Distinction upon the adjacent" is my bet for info itself (Karl's
treatment of distinctions is quite suggestive); but I have no clear
ideas on how go on, and connect with knowledge in a similar generalized
way ...

Then, adaptability has been historically championed, as is well known,
by Michael Conrad in his very advanced approach to the vertical flow of
info processes (also kindly acknowledging the work of Bob Ulanowicz of
this list). Trade offs are an important part of Michael's view (in
between evolvability, efficiency, structural programmability). Roughly
expressed, my contention is that the adaptability side of knowledge can
be meaningfully rediscussed in a Conradian way.

Advances in the formalization potentially brought by the confluence of
the two previous lines would free knowledge itself of the "conceptual
load" inherent in most of the responses. Probably, the most decisive
evolutionary adaptive knowledges ever gathered by the human species were
never put in conceptual / linguistic form: taming of fire (cooking &
exodigestion), artificial ecosystems (agriculture, husbandry). For
knowledge itself, as in other realms, it is the "cognit"
(action-perception constellation, see Fuster) that counts, not the concept.




Pedro C. Marijuán
Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group
Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud
Avda. Gómez Laguna, 25, Pl. 11ª
50009 Zaragoza. España / Spain
Telf: 34 976 71 3526 (& 6818) Fax: 34 976 71 5554

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